Name: Samuel Thomas



Favorite Wrestlers:WWF:HHH,Undertaker WCW:Lance Storm.Vampiro & Big Poppa Pump

Why I like Midajah:she's very beautiful,agile,young and sexy



City/State:Uniontown, PA

Why i like Midajah:I like Midajah because she appears to be a very nice person. She's not afraid to get in the ring and take bumps. Plus she's a great dresser.

Name: Ryan Gooley



Why i like Midajah:I like Midajah because she is unique and gorgeous she has everything a women needs and she looks gorgeous in WCW i love her because She isn't a bimbo and she has done more things than any other female has done in WCW and she has only been here for a year she is brilliant.

Name:Monica M. Martinez

Age:29 years old

City/State:San Jose, California


Age: 16

City/State:Greensburg, PA

Fav Wrestlers: Big Poppa Pump, Triple H, Hardyz, Lita, Molly Holly, Shane Helms, Kevin Nash

Why I like Midajah: She seems really down to earth, sweet and can really play her character well. Her and Scott Steiner are really cute together in WCW.