Q:Is your site Midajah's official site? A:Midajah has TWO official sites Midajah.com and her OFFICIAL fan club so yes this site is one of Midajah's OFFICIAL sites.
Q:Are you related to Midajah? A:No.
Q:Is your site connected with Midajah.com or WCW.COM? A:It is connected with Midajah.com because this site is Midajahs 'OFFICIAL FAN CLUB' and Midajah.com is her official website.
Q:Do you work for WCW or Midajah? A:No.
Q:Are you a professional web designer? A:No way!
Q:How often is your site updated? A:Usually every day.
Q:Do you get money for your site? A:No, and i don't want any!
Q:Does Midajah know about your site? A:Yes of course because it wouldn't be her official fan club otherwise.
Q:Can people use your photos? A:Anybody can use the photos because they are copyright property of Midajah.com/WCW.Com/Midajah's Official Fan Club etc
Q:Can anybody use the banners/logos? A:No under no circumstances can anybody use the OFFICIAL FAN CLUB BANNERS AND LOGOS.
Q:How long have you been a Midajah fan? A:Since the her WCW Debut.
Q:How can i contact Midajah? A:You can contact Midajah at midajah@midajah.com
Q:When was the site created? A:The site was first created on September 7th 2000, and was created at https://www.angelfire.com/mi3/MidajahOHearn/index.html It was originally known as Marvellous Midajah O'Hearn.
Q:Do you create all your own graphics? A:Most of them i do but i have had banners made by goodwebs, and Melissa Gavin has made me a banner her site is Designer Graphics she also has the site Amy Dumas Zone you can find a link to her graphics site on the Links page.
Q:Do you think your site is the best Midajah site? A:No but i do think it's a great site.
Q:I don't like the NameDemo frame can i access the site without it? A:Yes you can access exactly the same site at https://marvellousmidajah.tripod.com/index.html
Q:I don't like or cannot view the frames what can i do? A:You can view the menu at https://marvellousmidajah.tripod.com/menum.html But you want see the main frame.
Q:I'm stuck in your frames how do i get out? A:You can type a website you want to go to in your address bar and select one from your favorites, if you want to go to a link to a different site, right click on the click and select open in new window and shut down the other one!
Q:Do you have any nude pics of Midajah? A:No, and as far as i know midajah has never posed nude and i don't think she wants too. But if she does the photos will NOT be available here.
Q:Why is your site sometimes not updated every day? A:Because i'm either ill or my computer isn't working.
Q:Can i build a Midajah site? A:Of course you can!
Q:Do you know how old Midajah is? A:No.
Q:Do you know Midajah's home address or telephone number? A:No and if i did have i wouldn't give them to anybody!
Q:Do you know Midajah's maiden name? A:No.
For any other questions/comments/suggestions email me
To contact WCW visit the official site
To contact Midajah email her.
For other site information click here