Disqualification - Big Sexy Kevin Nash d. Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner Nash entered the ring and threw a punch at David, dropping him to the mat. Ric came to the aisle, pleading with Big Sexy to release his son. Nash delivered the Jackknife to the young Flair before WCW security ran in and pulled David to safety. When the champion came out, Big Sexy went right after Steiner with a vengeance. Outside, as Flair and his men loaded David into a car, the CEO instructed his troops to get Nash. As they ran into the arena, The Cat, Dustin Rhodes and Bryan Clark were waiting. The two sides brawled to the back, once again making the match a fair fight. Nash set the champion for the Jackknife, but Ric Flair ran in, prompting the referee to call for the bell. Big Sexy brought the Nature Boy down with the powerbomb, but Big Poppa immediately caught the back of Nash's knee with a steel pipe shot. Steiner beat his PPV challenger down with the pipe as Nitro went off the air.