Below you will find out more info and some pics of matches Midajah has got involved in, feuds she has had with wrestlers, and when she has wrestled.Sorry it is not all here.And there is nothing from House Shows.
17th September 2000:
After being jack-hammered through a table by goldberg in august, midajah returned and got involved in BPP Vs. Goldberg at Fall Brawl.
Date Unknown:
Midajah got in the ring during a match and was pulled out of the ring by miss jones then, slammed to the mat and draged backstage.
September 19th:
Midajah is on 'That 70s Show' being interviewed by 'That 70s guy Mike Awesome' when a fight starts with Leia Meow.
Date Unknown
Leia Meow trying to choke Midajah at Thunder in Australia.
Nitro October 23rd 2000:
Midajah grabs Mike awesome's leg.
Nitro in London England 10th November 2000
Midajah climbs on the ring apron and trys to distract bryan adams.
Thunder in Manchester,England 12th November 2000
Midajah trys to distract Sting in the main-event BPP Vs.Sting.
November 27th 2000:
Midajah hits Stevie Ray with the stell pipe when trys to distract him.
November 29th 2000:
Midajah trys to get Buff Bagwell with her move but he catches her!
Dec 12th 2000:
A little argument with paisley.
Starrcade Dec 17th 2000:
First Midajah hits Sid with the steel pipe then trys to execute her finishing move on him but catches BPP.