The club is only an online club at the moment but is Midajah's Official Fan
Club. Because Midajah already had which is her official site this is
her official fan club which in a way is her second official site. Basically as a
member of the club you don't only get to access the members area but you can
enter exclusive competitions and stuff.You will be asked for your Date Of Birth
when you join, this is incase you lose your ID number. Because the site hasn't
been Midajah's fan club for long the members area is still under construction.
But eventually it should contain
Midajah Fashion: A page which will contain information on the clothes
midajah has worn/wears.
Ask Mindy:Ask Midajah will be like a Q & A basically you send me
questions for Midajah, i'll send them to her and when i get the answers i'll
post them up on the page.
Fan Fiction:Basically FAN FICTION
Fan Poems:Poems about Midajah written by fans.
Fan Dreams:Dreams fans have had out Midajah.
Member Banners:Pick up a banner and put it on your site.
Fan Art:Fans e-mail me any pictures of Midajah they drawn or made on a
Fan Encounters:This is where members can tell each and share pics if they
have met midajah.